Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, France
16 Avenue Pey Berland
33607 Aquitaine
+33 (0)5 40 00 37 26
The IPB is a public scientific, cultural and professional (EPSCP) established as a major institution. This is an unique example in France created at the will of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Cluster of Research and Higher Education (PRES) University of Bordeaux and the Aquitaine Regional Council to unite schools engineers on the same site.
Created in April 2009, the Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux (IPB) together, to this date, 6 engineering schools in Bordeaux site: ENSEIRB, MATMECA the ENSCPB the ISTAB the ESTBB and the IDC.
Upon creation, IPB was accompanied by a dynamic combination of engineering education. Two school mergers have taken place: between ENSCPB and ISTAB on one hand and between ENSEIRB and MATMECA on the other hand.
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